【售罄】|星巴克 茶話會活動|走讀茶席 茶覺探索---「ちゃかい」(Starbucks tea party)| 課程特邀 劉玉本 授課3
https://www.linsteahouse1988.com/ 本草玉茗堂
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首頁 購物 活動報名 EVENT REGISTRATION 優惠券 Coupon 【售罄】|星巴克 茶話會活動|走讀茶席 茶覺探索---「ちゃかい」(Starbucks tea party)| 課程特邀 劉玉本 授課

【售罄】|星巴克 茶話會活動|走讀茶席 茶覺探索---「ちゃかい」(Starbucks tea party)| 課程特邀 劉玉本 授課

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2024 歲末感謝茶話會
歲末感謝贈福袋 贏一場時髦的集會
宋朝人:愛喝茶 於是就有了《大觀茶論》接著《燕食記》等,主要寫點心、茶飲。茶話會顧名思義 品茶談話之會,是備有茶點招待與座談性質的集會。

宋代長江流域開始流行,由古代茶宴演變而來 到了民初的上海更為興盛,又不像近代「中國茶藝」或「日本茶道」,要有一套嚴謹的儀式,茶席中多以清茶或糕點等招待,不強調以茶會友 可獨自啜飲品嘗,輕鬆自在 隨興發揮,宋代蘇東坡、趙明誠、李清照,民初的胡適、魯迅等文人十分熱衷。

Tea Tasting茶主持人

走讀茶席 茶覺探索
喚醒味蕾與生活美學 由西方情調走入東方境界

只要對茶有興趣者 皆可當茶主持人,陪大家一起分享不同種類茶的迷人風味,及地質、品種、農法、分類等知識,歡迎呼朋引伴來場茶的風味之旅我們會在時段之內任選幾款不同茶品分享,邀請愛茶人用一小段時間一起來品茶,沈澱自己 養旺磁場 享受樂活的能量!

Tea Tasting Series At Lin's Teahouse

Anyone who is interested in tea can become a tea host and share with everyone the charming flavors of different types of tea, as well as knowledge about geology, varieties, farming methods, classification, etc. Welcome to invite friends and friends to join the flavor journey of tea. We will select several different tea products to share during the period, and invite tea lovers to spend a short period of time together to taste tea, accumulate themselves, nourish the magnetic field, and enjoy the energy of LOHAS!

Liu Yuben, talk about health care in a relaxed manner
The speaker, Liu Yuben, graduated from Taiwan Ocean Universityand worked as a pilot in Keelung Port and Kaohsiung Port.

I won the Oriental Beauty Tea in the lottery